Saturday, January 23, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #21 What is non-structural??!!

our super low beam!
our Professional Engineer (PE) here knocking our super deep beam to see whether is it structural or non-structural! can you see his head??? It's almost reaching our beam!!! This is how low it is!!! AND I WANT IT REMOVED!!!!

here's the moment where engineer-meets-architect-meets-contractor.
Archi: This can be removed. I know. Trust me. It's non-structural.
PE: Erm. Better check first. I'll come in tmw.
Contractor: Can be done. Don't worry.

Their signature styles:-
Archi - wants everything his way
PE - die die also must check first. Better play safe.
Contractor - Can I Helpchu? Anything and everything goes. PE says what I listen. Archi says what I follow.

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