Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Dulux Color My Home Photo Contest

Did i mention that I've been chosen to the top 10 finalists for this particular contest? i was really lucky to be chosen out of the many participants. Guess the judges could really tell that i needed the paintover from the 3 photos that i submitted and of cos i did a write-up(submission requirements) though i did a poem instead which turned out all wrong as it turned out as one paragraph on the website instead of a one liner thingy.

Here's the little poem i wrote

Please revamp this lit’ place of ours
She deteriorates quickly by the hour

The previous owner had Mediterranean taste
Alas! For us it’s such a waste
The awful paper trimmings
We find them rather gleaming

Our walls are filled with dusty mould
With plastering in tears and fold
A fresh new coat is what we need
But painting cost makes our hearts bleed
Help us dulux!

Please come quick,
For we are in a needy fix

I know I'm a little late in this post, as I thought I had garnered enough votes from friends, relatives and friends of friends...until i was kicked down to no.2 on the leaderboard!!! And it's so tough cos the website is rather nuts, i have friends who have voted so many times for me, and I don't get to see their votes reflected on my dulux webpage. And wj's brother doesn't even have a facebook account to vote for me, and of cos there's my father, my mother etc...sigh...


please vote for me now peeps!!!
Voting closes on 10 Mar 2010,
here's the link:

I really want to win the Grand prize!!!! and save some money from the painting!!!
Here are the photos which we submitted during the first round.

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