Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #34 More Discussions

Materials are being loaded at our new place now. Loads of red bricks, hollowcore bricks both thick and thin, cement and sand. Most of the hacking works are finished by now, so uncle Will decided to text us for a short meeting to discuss the new walls which are going to be laid.
Uncle Will has also talked to our neighbour with regard to the parti wall. Our neighbour has been really nice and they have agreed to us having erecting a new parti wall as previously it was a metal grill between the 2 houses.

There was more discussions about our floor traps and washing area for the washer too. More trenching has to be done. Floor trap going to be fully exposed too!!! in the centre of the kitchen! Shucks! uncle Will says most likely to use back the current floor trap position which is currently 'floating' in our floor plans too. Somehow i get this impression that it's going to be somewhere in between my dining and kitchen area!! SOoooo weird!!! O_o

Uncle Will, WJ and the foremen discussing where the new wall has to be erected. Due to site conditions, what we have drawn in our plans currently cannot really fit all our toilet fixtures. So now we are in the midst of deciding 'where to draw the line' literally on the floor!!!
After much debate, we decided to 'eat' more area of the master room so that our toilet can be bigger. Next was the decision of the toilet windows. So on the spot, we decided to have 2 top-hung windows, frosted for modesty. The room looks so spacious now with all the windows and grills off!!! But there's no stopping birds and bees into the house now!!!

Measuring the 'existing' floor area for our toilet.

more on-the-spot sketches to decide what goes where. We are also having some issues with the toilet downstairs due to the 'funny' column which we are keeping. After hacking the walls, and measuring the space again, we realised that our door cannot be put at where we had initially drawn which was on the right of the column. So we decided to put the toilet door on the left of the column. So instead of an overall gain of 1000mm for the living area, now that the door is placed on the left of the column, we have an overall gain of 800mm for the living area.

Finally uncle Will explains to us about our front porch having to deck higher at localised areas due to the extg RWDP. Ok, no choice here.

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