Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #37 OUR-NEW-TOILET

After work, we decided to spot-check on the progress of our flat. And to our surprise! More walls are being done up!!! That's good news for us since we have delayed our construction for such a long period. It's really refreshing to see something being done here.

zoom in on the yellow strings that are being used as guides here! Photos are taken during dusk time, so not very clear and sharp here....but it will suffice as site progress photos! Maybe at the end of the whole construction period, i might just do an album on it! muahahahaha...then our little home will have its 'growing-up' period.

All dark now....we stayed quite awhile to check some of the differences made.
Here's a tip on construction method which all contractors are using and it's CHEAP & EFFECTIVE: To make sure your walls are in a straight line, run a string along the length that the wall-line will follow. Ensure the string is taut.

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