Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #39

more comparisons here in the living cum dining cum kitchen area! New living style - OPEN concept. I know cliche. However, i think it most probably will work for us, since we don't reckon that we'll cook much at home in the future, and the dining area would eventually become a study cum surfing area where we can overlook the tv as master is too small to have a tv . YES! we are going to have only one tv and it's gg to be in the living! Anyway, i'm digressing here, what i'm trying to depict here, it the NEW wall in our living area. See! it 'hides' the ugly column! and that wall will be our toilet wall. To the right of our wall, that's going to be our kitchen area.

YAY! money plant removed here. Just some minor updates.

checking up on the worker, making sure that he is doing his job! But i must say, they work really slow!!!! Sheesh and they are like chimney pots! They smoke like every second!!! My flat will eventually smell like a club.


  1. I think its an absolutely good idea to have an open concept, since houses nowadays are shrinking. My future in-law's home has an open kitchen with an island in the middle, which houses a sink. Washing the dishes is no longer a mundane job! LOL. Honestly, it does promote interaction and offers the illusion of a bigger place.

  2. Hi JOY! Yes I totally agree with you about the illusion of a bigger place which we so need. Being only 88sqm is quite tight. So with fewer walls in between, I can spy on what my hubby is up to!!! muahahaha

  3. Haha, anyway I did went to view a house that is located on your street previously (the one I viewed was next to the traffic light). We liked the good location and the rarity of such "landed" houses by HDB. And you could practically hack the entire place and rebuilt it to your liking (like what you guys are doing now!). I was dreaming of a loft-like design then. But the price was totally out of our budget! We saw some pretty cool houses there as well.

  4. yup! some owners really did such a good job with their boundary walls, i mean it looks really good from the outside, wonder how it looks on the inside! So what happen to your home-hunting? Have u gotten a place yet?

  5. Haha, it does pique your interest whenever you walk by, doesn't it? The house-hunting process was exasperating for me but we finally secured a new flat at Havelock, which will be ready in 2012. I am just glad that we have finally closed this chapter and moved on! Meanwhile, I will be staying with the in-laws after marriage.

    Hey, on a side note, I have been reading your blog and chanced upon your wedding photos. You looked wonderful and radiant! I love your quirky Kua outfit, especially the pink tulle skirt! Able to share where you got it from?

  6. WOW! Havelock is a good location too! Congrats on a brand new flat gal!!!
    I got both my KUA top and tulle skirt from my bridal boutique - The Wedding Present. Had a package with them. They are really nice!!! How's your wedding prep??

  7. Thanks! I have been to The Wedding Present website and their gowns look fantastic! Very edgy and fashionable, unlike the regular bridal studios. But pricier as compared to the rest as well (they don't include photography). How much was your package, if you don't mind me asking? I am still in the preliminary stage - doing market research but we didn't realise that holding a wedding cost soooo much! My hubby-to-be is feeling the heat already! Hehe...

  8. My package with them was $4399
    Wedding gown (MTM), Evening gown(MTM to keep), 2 OTR tea dresses to keep, 1 pair of shoes, groom suit (MTM to keep), hair and make-up (3 sessions), Fresh flowers, corsages for photography and actual day, car decor and entourage cars, free rental of KUA, accessories and dry cleaning.

    Hope this helps gal!!
    the other bridal studio which i really really like was Dang Bridal!

  9. Thanks for the details and tips! Good luck with your home and can't wait to see the final results! (",)
