Sunday, March 28, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #53 Boxing up!

we realised that there is simply no way to move the meterbox, after much resistance. Of cos I'm upset. But what to do, I'm not an electrician, if the electrician says that we can't move it, then we can't. Reasons being that the meterbox is not solely operating for our unit, but for the other units beside us. So if we were to move it, we need to switch it off, which also means no power for our neighbours. Needs a bit of persuasion and coordination here. And electrician also do not want to guarantee anything if something were to happen during the shift of the meter box as it is something which he has never done before.

So now, we are left with no choice but to 'box' it up and make it into something like a feature beam. EEKK!

watch out for this space!

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