Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #115 Silver foil

So i was looking up at my ceiling and wondering what are they using for my ceiling insulation and voila...

here's what i found on the internet.


Borne of technology derived from the US Space Program directed by NASA, the PARSEC Thermo-Brite radiant barrier has been manufactured for ubiquitous use in the institutional, commercial, residential, agricultural and industrial sectors.

Functions of Thermo-Brite
1. Radiant Barrier
Upon implementation on roofs and walls, it effectively reflects radiant heat energy away instead of trying to absorb it. In this way, the level of heat gain in the interiors is significantly reduced. On top of that, the produce also prevents moisture and air from penetrating these structures.

2. Vapour Barrier
When walls systems, roof systems, air-conditioning ducts and chilled water pipes are completely enveloped with Parsec Thermo-Brite III, the product serves as a protective layer against external moisture transfer which inevitably causes condensation within. Its tremendously sturdy constitution diminishes on-the-job damage as well, hence preventing moisture from seeping through even the most minute rips or punctures. For a permanent way of reducing energy costs, install Parsec Thermo-Brite in buildings and structures today. Fortified against the sun's powerful rays, there is a lesser need for additional air-conditioning to cool the interiors ultimately resulting in a lesser energy consumption.

hmm...think i'm feeling cooler now.

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