Thursday, April 08, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #79 External Updates


front patio, the soil has been cleared to make way for concrete topping before laying our timber striped deck. YAY!!! This will take some time though cos the boundary red brick wall is not finished we have some floor level issues going on here...think contractor is planning to raise everything by 150mm!!! Serious flooding issues have been reported around the area and contractor is not playing a fool.

Planter box in the yard being plastered here. Things are starting to look more promising now.

And the mystery of the missing soil - It's placed beside our unit where it sits in a pile. We are going to reuse/recycle this pile of soil in our planter box.
waste not, want not

Piles of debris has been collecting beside our place too! look at the white bags piling in the corner!!! It belongs to us! and the recent scorching hot weather has dried up the palms by the side our wall too.

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