Sunday, April 18, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #98 water problems

Just the other day, contractor called WJ and said: BIG PROBLEM AH! and we thought the roof collapsed or something!

but no he said that our IC was flooded and the waters are not subsiding and it was nearly reaching the room floor level!!! And he said to better call PUB to ask for help. and he told us at 6pm!!! who the hell in PUB would still be in the office to help us.

what we didnt know was PUB actually has a 24 hr hotline and after searching the website, we found the number and made the call. PUB said that they will check into it and they weren't really sure whether was it part of their job scope. They advised us to call Town Council. And so we did.

Town council also said they are not sure, said that they will send someone down to check.
WJ almost out of his wits and worried that the sewer water will flood into our house, quickly went down to check. When he reached there, the water was half subsided...although the water level was still rather high.

8pm : PUB guys came and town council also came. WOW. i mean i'm seriously impressed with them for showing up at night. Anyway there wasn't much light so they couldn't really see what was the blockage was about.

hmm. actually i have half the mind that maybe its the workers who has been dumping stuff! which caused the flooding.

by morning, the water was almost gone. one of the workers was there in the morning when we got there and he said that when the water was rising really quick the day before, he and the others went in to check and tried to clear the blockage. hmmm...fishy. So they knew that there was a block lah.