Sunday, June 20, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #172 DIY Wooden shelves IKEA

Here's the shelves which we bought from IKEA. It comes with adjustable wooden planks which are flexible over time and versatile for different usages as our store has all sorts of bottles, gardening tools, insecticide etc etc.

and it's more shelving units from IKEA again. This is only the beginning as we still need another module to join to this one. however, as this is gg to go under the stairs, it needs to be "tapering" downwards. And we got to saw some of the legs away!!!

here's mummy trying to keep everything spick and span.

daddy is enjoying himself on the bench, while mum sweeps away!

here's wj sawing the bottom half away....

that's the final product after wj has sawed the bottom ends of the wood. So now it's staggered and can be placed under the little staircase. +smiles!

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