Friday, August 06, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #189 IKEA compartments

LIFE's fantastic with IKEA!

the tofu which i wanted! And i got a real good deal at IKEA's further reduction period sales!!!

pull out rack for pants! so nifty!

isn't it frustrating how cupboard makers restrict the number of drawers that they can give you in a package? And everything comes with extra charges like the compartment for accessories (which they called the 'tofu' nowadays), pull-out mirror, glass backing for the compartment, racks for pants etc etc.

So i decided since they are going to customise my wardrobe, might as well let them customise it to IKEA's compartment sizes! that way i can buy IKEA compartments and install it into my wardrobe. And if i don't like it, i can change to another kind of shelving or compartment or pants rack or something. Anything. IKEA prices sure beats my cupboard maker prices anyday.

if only ikea's stuff is 100% durable.

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