Sunday, August 08, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #201 Curtains, Blinds, Window coverings!

here are the updates!
on our roman blinds + roller blinds from Jimmy textiles.

Jimmy textiles peeps are here at 7pm. WHOA! and their drilling is blardee loud! i hope my neighbours do not complain although the drilling took only say 5 mins? So i had them (blinds) installed at the family area and the master room.

Now they are putting on the blinds after drilling in the rack. And guy here is doing a test on the system. Good. it's working! and not jammed up.

and now it's the 2 of them doing the other side of the window. hahaha...looks like they are planning something behind the blinds! Don't they look a cute couple!!! Must be ssh-ing to each other how the missus of the house is crazy over taking photos...and recording everything bit that they are doing. Hope that puts a bit of stress on them to have my blinds installed properly.

And the finale, testing the blinds.


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