Saturday, August 28, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #224 Back to Kitchen Works

Previously...i had an obsession with the colour yellow! Well...enough of sidetracks and pretty pictures. Here's back to reality and what's been happening over the weekend.
The solid top sub-con was here in the afternoon while the granite top sub-con came in the morning at 11am while i was shopping at HollandV for my doggies' birthday presents!

These sub-cons, never on-time and never tell you exactly when they are coming. They just expect you not to work, everyday at home, anytime also can drop-by to do their stuff. WELL HELLO! i have to work too you know. Just like you MR. Sub-Con.

here are the photos of what the solid sub-con did whilst he was checking out my kitchen:

tacking of strips of wood with markings on top. They better get this right. *fingers-cross* XXX

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