Monday, October 18, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #240 Herbie

ONE MONTH of babysitting my herbies
here's my horrible experience..only the mint plant survived.

Anyway, mum told me not to buy anymore plants before i officially shift in. She said that since i do not stay there often, it's very likely that i have no time to care for them too...well she's right. So i shall stay clear of plants for a while now...

Care for mint
Lots of sunlight + water (and pruning in my case!) Still surviving!!!!

Care for Rosemary
Rosemary should be grown in full sun according to online sources.(for my case, i think it works better in a sheltered area with sunlight like on a window sill or a balcony). When i put it in my yard, open to sky without shelter, it started to dry up even though i water it once a day. And I thought perhaps I over-watered it. Eventually I think it wasn't over-watered but too heated up from our singapore sunny and hot weather! It dead eventually. SOBSOB.

Care for Thyme
This one is a weirdo. I think it doesn't require full sunlight at all and do not over-water it. Let the soil dry before you water it again. It prefers well drained soil. And don't let it dry too long without water too! It's damn difficult.
Verdict: dead.dried.withered.
COD: heat (think CSI and you will know what COD stands for!)


  1. come across your blog when looking for plants in hdb .... you have lots of nice plants and ideas, bookmarked your blog for future reading ~

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