Sunday, October 17, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #238 Zanotta Alfa Sofa

As we have asked the furniture store to hold on the delivery for almost half a year, they called up one day and said that they cannot hold it for us any longer. At that time, our place was really so not ready but not everything goes smoothly. So they delivered the sofa but couldn't fix it up for us as our place is too messy. So now, we have to do it on our own. Fortunately, it's pretty easy with 2 men in the house, and in no time, our sofa was up standing on its own 2 feet!

first we got to turn the sofa on its belly, screw on both its feet, one on the left and one on the right.

use of alan key to screw it on tightly, you don't want to plonk yourself comfortable and soon it goes a-poot right?

Now we need to align the sofa to face the tv console and guess who is the first to sit on our sofa??? Ritey it's spongebob kitty!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:58 pm

    Last week I visited London and I bought a lovely Terzani lamp in a showroom near Pinner. Also, they had Zanotta, Gandia Blasco, B&B… amongst other lovely brands…. their website ( it’s really nice!
