Sunday, May 29, 2011

Stirling HDB Terrace - #299 READ ALL ABOUT IT!

Hi all!

thanks for all your support and always making a point to come back and read my stuff!!!

here's a little update on our place and that we have made it to Home and Decor June's issue too!!! as part of their H&D homes section!!!!

get a copy now!


  1. I read and found my way here, truly enjoying your entries about your new pad. Really glad to see the Her World spread about you too. :)

  2. I was flipping the mag last night and I thought your home looked familiar when I chanced upon it. Instantly I remembered the pics that I saw on your blog! Your home is such a looker! I love the simplicity of your bedroom.

  3. Hi asillybow, thanks for dropping by my blog!

    Joy: WOW thanks for dropping by after so long...yep, my flat is pretty small ie less is more in a way. Keep up your terrific blogging too! :)
