Friday, March 22, 2013

Hougang Maisonette - Open Kitchen

Hey peeps,

have you ever wondered how did the origins of an open kitchen came about?
Was it because back in the old days, during winter everyone will hurdle around a fire to keep themselves warm and cook a pot of hot stew that made an open kitchen?

here's what i found on wikipedia ...
sometimes while designing...i find it useful to understand how, why and where did that thing or item originated from.

The re-integration of the kitchen and the living area went hand in hand with a change in the perception of cooking: increasingly, cooking was seen as a creative and sometimes social act instead of work... Many families also appreciated the trend towards open kitchens, as it made it easier for the parents to supervise the children while cooking and clear up spills. The enhanced status of cooking also made the kitchen a prestige object for showing off one's wealth or cooking professionalism.

Another reason for the trend back to open kitchens is changes in how food is prepared. Whereas prior to the 1950s most cooking started out with raw ingredients and a meal had to be prepared from scratch, the advent of frozen meals and pre-prepared convenience food changed the cooking habits of many people, who consequently used the kitchen less and less. For others, who followed the "cooking as a social act" trend, the open kitchen had the advantage that they could be with their guests while cooking, and for the "creative cooks" it might even become a stage for their cooking performance. The "Trophy Kitchen" is highly equipped with very expensive and sophisticated appliances which are used primarily to impress visitors and to project social status, rather than for actual cooking.

so moral of the story - must design the open kitchen really WOW. function + form together!!!

click here to view the whole documentation on kitchen from wikipedia

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