Friday, March 15, 2013

Reno@Yishun - Slow and Steady

it's been eons since I last updated on our Yishun project.
well that's because there really isn't much to update about except that we have come up with about 5 different options on the kitchen, dining and master room...but we have yet to show it to the couple.
MUST put it on the TO-DO list.

last weekend,  couple mentioned that they think they will obtain their keys end of this year. Ok..there's still time, so not much of a hurry.

Husband WANTS
- a King size bed into their master room
- make adjacent room smaller to have a study area for the master
- industrial look, cement sand screed

(-) master room is quite small, plus a king size bed, there won't be much space left for a bedside table.
(+/-) i think the husband wants a tv facing the bed, but might compromise wardrobe space.
(+) can make use of adjacent room to enlarge and replan master room

- large wardrobe, I'm thinking she means walk-in wardrobe. Not sure how much clothes or shoes she has, but I'm planning for her now.
- no cement sand screed. EEK! isn't that what the husband wants?
- lots of storage space

will post on our thoughts on the living and dining.

stay tune!

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