Tuesday, May 28, 2013

DIY Shoulder Leather Bag with studs

Studs have been making the rage this whole year since the beginning. And i admit i'm a sucker for it.
Many a times i was almost tempted to buy a studded bag, but resisted. Seeing me being so tempted yet wanting to save money and refusing to buy one for myself, hubs decided to make one for me!!!!

we went down to people's park complex one day with my parents and chanced upon this shop that sells studs! So hubs bought 2 packets and over the Vesak Long Weekend, he spent 2 days and 2 evenings, drawing, sketching, planning, sewing, hammering and even poked his finger with the needle.

*heart winced*

I'm proud to show everyone here the finished product, hand sewn lovingly by my hubs!!!
Front of leather bag

Details on the handle

Studs on the sides of bag


Sides of leather bag

Detail on joining parts at the bottom


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this informative information about shoulder leather bag with us. It's very helpful. Keep it up!
