Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hougang Maisonette - Original Conditions

Hi all,

i've been so busy with my son's 1st birthday party that I haven't gotten the time to post some photos of the original conditions of the Hougang Maisonette.
Bet you all are just waiting eagerly for her transformation yah? Well so do I!!!

I'm so excited about this place and its potential to becoming a gem.

less words and more pictures!
above: original utility room where the wall has been hacked by the previous owner, so we have to put back the walls for a pantry area for iron lady chef!
above: here's a look at the current kitchen entrance, this wall will go too as we are designing an open kitchen for her with an island
 Original condition of the kitchen tiles and cabinets. All are in quite a good condition.

The common bath room downstairs is quite dark as it doesn't have a window opening and it ventilates through the kitchen, the door opens from the kitchen area which iron lady chef wants to change.
Makes sense because it will be so troublesome while she is so busy in the kitchen and her guests need to go through the kitchen to get to the toilet.

So we going to change the door opening for her and hopefully we can 'borrow' some daylight from the kitchen area.
For the staircase, we are going to change the railing. At first we thought we could keep the glass and just remove the railing, upon reaching the place, then we realised that it was PINK in colour and it's not even glass!!! It's just an acrylic!!!

Because upstairs bedrooms and foyer area are tiles too, iron lady chef wants a more homely feel thus the need to change the tiles to either wood tiles or parquet. So we have to change the staircase flooring as well in order to match everything.
Dining area: As we having a low budget reno here, we wouldn't be having any built storage cabinetry here, we'll just have to make do with the current condition and propose for new furniture, lights and a new splash of paint to make it look new.
The mirror store door cabinets got to go because it's tinted and it looks like it has gone through a battlefield. The sliding doors beside the store will be removed too.
 kitchen wall facing stairs - to go as well!!!
 balcony wall tiles and blue paint and corrugated roof - go go go away!
Although i liked the light...hmm, not sure whether can i refurbish it in some way.
upstairs, we are not doing much to the both rooms except that both will be given a new splash of paint, ceiling fan and lights.
We will be re-doing the common bath, master bath and master room.

above: here you can see the pink acrylic panels of the staircase and the white small tiles on the floor. One of the bedroom is painted blue while the other is yellow green i think, not sure.
And i didn't take any photos of the master room!!! OMG. Need to take some more photos soon.

i must be too busy looking at the pipe works outside the master room.

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