Friday, May 17, 2013

Stirling HDB Terrace - DIY Planter box

Finished planter box!
step1:  Things you will need:
a plan which has all the dimensions set out on paper - hubs already drew out the size that i wanted, approx 1m in length, 50cm in depth and width.
measuring tape

step 2: JIGSAW: an early Father's Day present which I bought from HomeFix for hubs this year.
step 3: you will need to cut all your wood using the jigsaw to the right dimensions after measuring it out. Lay them neatly so that you will know what goes at the base and sides.
step 4: start nailing all the pieces of wood together once you have all of them cut out.
step 5: nail them as you go along
step 6: good to have your cheerleaders with you to give you extra moral support and get you drinks!

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