Friday, June 28, 2013

Hougang Maisonette - Designing as the reno goes along

Rem the accent wall tiles which i mentioned earlier in my previous post?
Iron Lady Chef's idea was to have them at the bathroom area.
So we did a rendering for her to see. I think the overall look is quite refreshing!


  1. Anonymous3:17 pm

    the accent tiles are pretty! i'm just wondering if it'll be a pain to keep them/the grouting clean & white.
    the shower glass door looks awkward in the rendering, is it just the angle of the pic?

    1. Thanks for the lovely compliments, credit goes to the mistress of the house who suggested the idea! To keep the grouting clean and white is prevalent in all toilets regardless of the tile size. There are some bathroom cleaners out there in the supermarket which does the cleaning job very well.
