Saturday, June 08, 2013

Stirling HDB Terrace - DIY Painting our Sundeck chairs!

Many weekends ago, we adopted 2 summer sundeck chairs from our friendly neighbour and decided to give it a good paint job. However before we can start painting, we will need to sand down the chairs and buy the paint, brushes and turpentine.

Step 1: Sanding your chairs.
You will need:
Sandpaper, Patience and one afternoon's time off.
step 2: good to have a mask. sanding has lots of dust flying around. if you dun have, then use a hankie like hubs here. make sure hankie is fashionable!!! You never known when you will be photographed!!!
step 3: sanding. Use the rough one to sand away the lacquer first before using a fine sandpaper to smoothen.
step 4: Things you require to paint. quite idiot proof actually.
  • newspapers
  • paint
  • brushes
  • turpentine
  • another afternoon time off
step 5 & 6: you need a quality checker on site to make sure that the chairs are all sand down properly and the paint job is done correctly and properly. Best to make quality checker sit on chair to see whether his butt feels smooth or not.

step 7: Quality checker looking at worker, making sure the worker stirs the paint evenly before painting.
step 8: this is the paint colour that we have chosen.  We are just in love with TEAL at the moment.
Remember to choose a paint that is meant for wood/metal.
step 9: This is the BEFORE look.
Lay the newspapers before paint job. as there will be drips and splashes.
step 10: first coat of paint
step 11: first coat of paint done, let it dry. While the first sundeck chair is let to dry, we started painting our second sundeck chair
step 12: second coat of paint.
step 13: second coat of paint to dry
step 14: touching up.

Now I have a list to complete the overall look for my summer patio.
I hope i manage to get them soon!!!
  • chevron cushion covers
  • plants in a pot
  • plants hanging
  • DIY macrame


  1. Cute color for summer fun! Is the chair made of teak? I couldn't tell from the pics. If it is, I do not think the paint will last too long. Teak is a hardwood rich in oil content. Does not crack or rot easily like other wood. Thus the reason why people pay high price to put it outdoor. Do enjoy the pretty paint while it lasts! Sorry if I'm sounding like a wood snob, I make teak furniture for a living ;p

    1. oic...shucks! Hope it's not teak then!!! We found it at the bin and decided to adopt it. We gave it a good sand down and painted it 2 coats...still waiting for it to dry thoroughly because it rained this week now and then...will give it another coat on another weekend.
      Thanks for the advise!
