Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Reno@Hougang Maisonette - Reno Updates

here are some updates on our Hougang Maisonette reno. The common bath is fully plastered and ready for tiling works.

After removing the mirrors, we noticed an exposed beam. After telling iron lady chef, here are the following options
1) tile up to underside of beam
2) tile all the way up including beam
3) spend a little on a partition wall to level it and build the tile all the way up.

She went with option 3.

Powder room hacked wall has been sealed and plastered got to redo.

Hubs, contractor and tiler discussing on our ventilation blocks size at the powder room. Next the boys were discussing the sink details, tile setting out on the floor and wall, grouting colour, box up area and size of door opening.

Finally, last but not least, setting out of tiles on the staircase, where it going to turn and how it's going to be laid.

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