Friday, July 12, 2013

Reno@Hougang Maisonette - Reno Updates

 waterproofing laid for the kitchen area
 the men. hatching a plan.
common bath - wall tiles completed

Now is the waiting game
1) we wait for the HDB officer to approve our hacking works for the bedroom upstairs. (coming to 3 weeks now, first time was not approved, so we submit in more drawings)
2) we wait for Iron Lady Chef's decision on whether to change or keep the windows. This will affect the overall progress because the windows need to be changed first before the tiler can continue with his works at the balcony and bedroom areas.

Here are some yummy photos of black sliding doors /windows since we are on this topic of windows to share!

I've always admire the black and white colonial house look, where the frames are black against the stark white walls complete with french windows. The combination always looks classic and elegant as time goes by. Plus it's very eco friendly as louvre windows provide natural ventilation and allows a certain penetration of daylight into the living areas.

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