Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Reno@Bt Panjang Maisonette - Kitchen island option

2 full kitchen counters with island in an enclosed kitchen.

Base on the current size of the HDB maisonette layout, there isn't enough space to have an island in an enclosed kitchen. Bearing in mind that the tightest working space for a kitchen is around 900mm - 1000mm. Also with the opening of the fridge door, that corridor space must cater for the door opening and the person opening the door. The optimum width of a kitchen corridor should be around 1100mm to 1200mm, enough for 2 persons to walk pass, or for a drawer in the kitchen to be extended out and good enough for a person to stand.

The design option was to enlarge the kitchen width in order to have a 3 bay counter with the middle bay as an island. This will also utilise the space between the kitchen and the staircase area which most of the time is too wide and under-utilise in most EMs.

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