Saturday, October 26, 2013

Halloween Party - Getting the party props ready!

hi there! The party is going to start around 6pm this evening and i'm getting my table centrepiece ready. Cut some heliconias from my garden and some weeds. Going to spray paint them black to create a gothic look!

here's how it looks after the spraying! Not bad huh! I've chosen the more leafy ones to fill up the gaps and large volume of space with a full tall heliconias as the main focus.

That's our dining area, we are going a less formal kind of party tonight, so I'm just going to bring out the stools later and we are going to use paper plates and serviettes. Love the battery operated candles from IKEA, at least there's lesser soot now as compared with they were all real candles!

 Can you see my black centrepiece?

Bought a packet of cobweb with 2 spides from Daiso and hubs helped to drape it over my Marimekko fabric piece. Cool....
Did a quick sketch of a small poster for our dining table reads "Halloween Potluck" and I drew a spider web and an incy wincy spider!

spider print bunting! Another DIY from me. :)

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