Sunday, October 13, 2013

Reno@Hougang Maisonette - DIY flower arrangement for our 1st official visit!

Today is the day where we are going to shoot some photos of the hougang maisonette!!!
We are all very excited about it and early morning, I went down to IKEA to get some flowers and a vase for Iron Lady Chef. It's always nice to bring something instead of going empty handed yah?
After 15mins with my flowers, bamboo sticks and vase from IKEA, I'm all set to bring it over to her place.
Here's another look at my DIY flower arrangement, all flower pieces and vase are from IKEA. My trusty furniture store. I really love green in a home, it brings colour and freshness to a place.
me - arming my vase of flowers!
stay tune for the final photos of Reno@Hougang Maisonette.


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