Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Reno@Yishun - Jules is here for a visit!

The Yishun flat is going to be the next flat that is going to go for a makeover. And on the auspicious day, the contractor went down to the flat to write something auspicious on the wall.

Jules is at the kitchen now where the tiles are already in, it's part of HDB to provide the kitchen tiles so that it can TOP.

Jules inspecting the window with a naughty smile, while the rest of us are talking to the contractor and electrician on how to lay all the wirings

And the auspicious wall is going to be knocked down! How "Auspicious" this is right? See the big cross on the wall plus a little "hammer" on the top of the words. We are going to knock a hole here to bring more light into the kitchen area because FSM says kitchen to be as bright as possible and the couple has decided to do away with the kitchen door to allow more light!!! >_<
Jules walking on the raw concrete flooring and he fell down. ended up with some scratches on his shin. But I think it's ok.

 Jules looking up to his daddy. admiringly. Behind him are the contractor and electrician, marking on the wall for the tv point and powerpoints.
 Jules saw how the contractor measured the wall with a tape and he imitates him to a T!!!
OMG. is my son going to be a contractor!!! I'm going to faint now....

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