Friday, November 22, 2013

Reno@Kovan Maisonette - Bathroom updates

Master toilet - Granite countertop installed. Tap and sink installed too. Now waiting for the mirror to go onto the mirror box.
Notice the open shelf on the further left? Actually the inital plan was to have all swing door cabinets, but we were so worried that once the WC is installed there wouldn't be enough space to open the cabinet door. So we changed it to open shelf instead. It will be a good area to house a nice woven basket of knick knacks.
 Internal view of the lower cabinet. Needs some cleaning up here from the contractor.

Some of the toilet accessories have be installed on site too - like the towel rail.
View of the common bath. For this bathroom, there was not much of the space constraint which we faced in the master bathroom, so this long vanity had all swing doors and a long granite counter.

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