Friday, May 23, 2014

DIY - 3x3 project frames

yes i know. it's almost 3am in the morning and I've just given James a nightcap. But I'm so excited with my new pet project which has been spinning in my head for the past week. One of my client was asking me whether do I have any recommendations to brighten up her wall. So I've been scouring the internet for images to do up a photo collage wall yet not looking at a specific theme. Here are some photos of the collage which I have just put together in this morning's wee hours.

the whole project sounds quite abstract.

what i had in mind was something colourful. non gender specific. apt for a couple.
I found a few images of what I thought reminded me of her and her partner and organised it into a folder. Head down to my favourite furniture mall, bought the frames. Next I called on hubs to give his second opinions out of the list of images. we zoomed down to 10, photoshopped to the right size and finally printed it and framed all 10.

i'm quite pleased with the way it turned out.


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