Friday, October 24, 2014

Home@Stirling - Gardening at home

Suffering from Conjunctivitis for a week now, so the doc has ordered me to stay home and not look at the computer. Well, I simply can't sit still at home now can I?

So I've decided to make full use of my afternoon half doing up my garden.
here's my progress so far.

 Above: here's how my overgrown garden looks before I started weeding them out.
Above: here's how it looks 1 hour later.
Quite a big progress for me under the hot sun!!! I weeded out almost one quarter of the grass and weeds at the front, took out all the heliconias at the back, cut down all the lalang which was killing my bird nest fern softly. I had to dig so much to get all the weeds out that I ended up with 2 water blisters on my right hand. BUT IT'S SO WORTH IT!!! I feel so accomplished after seeing the results!!!
closer look at the empty patch - see! no more grass or weeds! And i can finally see my garden gnomes and dwarves. Before that they were lost in the greens. And i can finally see a bit of my ixora!! Previously before the weeds were overgrown, my ixora had so many flowers as it's quite a sun loving plant, but then the weeds covered the sunlight and my ixora no longer had that many flowers. Not sure whether you can see it, but there's a tint of red at the right hand side of the photo. That's the only flowers left on my ixora.
Empty patch in front of my bird nest's fern...finally i cleared all the grass and lalang. But my bird nest's fern is almost half botak already.
my gardening gear.

it's 330pm and I'M CALLING IT A DAY folks!!!
i'm hot and sweaty!!! and I hope i didn't get a burn because I didn't put any sunblock on.  Here's how my garden looks now. Not in her best form but definitely neater.
My Canna plant, very similar to Heliconias. So if my heliconias are surviving well here, I'm sure my new Canna plant will do so too!! Frankly speaking my heliconias are growing like weeds.

I'm too tired and blistered to transplant her now. Will have to let hubs do it over the weekend. hah! if we can find any morning to do so...
 My cleared out garden! Finally I can see my 3 garden gnomes together. Aren't they cute?
 I've transplanted 4 Iris lily. I hope they will survive and flower soon!
Oh in this picture, you can see my ixora red quite clearly!!!
And I've transplanted a rather weak looking Lantana. I saw one of my neighbour's lantana growing like a weed all over the roof and felt that perhaps this might be one plant which I can grow out here too.

click here to see how my garden looked like in year 2013! 
IT WAS SO FREAKING NEAT!!! and my bird nest fern was so pretty and healthy.
gosh. shame and guilt.

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