Thursday, October 16, 2014

Reno@B Maisonette - Painting works

Hi there!
Today we are meeting the citygas officers for a short morning meeting so we are here early to take some photos. The men are all here painting up the place as towards the end of next week, the carpentry is going to come in and they will need some time to finish all the painting works as well as to clean up the place.
 Here's a guy painting the light holder at the dining area. 
There's another guy fixing up the timber doors, you can't really see him, only a sliver of his green shirt peeking... hah!
 Here's a view of the living area. Can't wait to see how the whole place will turn out!!!
Some minor plastering of the walls before the painting goes on. The doors are fully painted already as you can see from the photo and so is the ceiling and light holders.
Here's the master room, painting in progress and no...the new colour is not pink. Wait till you see the colour which the owner has chosen! it's a really lovely colour!!!
 Another view of the master from the window.
Master bathroom, glazing works are going to come in this weekend. The false ceiling are all completed and fully painted. Looks very neat and clean now.

One of the sons' room - the guys are piecing the brick wall one by one...and now they are grouting it. The top 1st quarter has been grouted, there's three quarts of it to go! Jiayou guys!!!

View of the staircase area, our contractor has been very kind too, plastering up some uneven walls here before the 1st coat of painting. So the walls here are quite smooth now.

ritey! Have a good weekend ahead!

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