Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day 05 - Taitung to Hualien

view outside our room
morning call:7am
Coach leaves at 830am
We had our breakfast and hubs was down with diarrhea. Luckily we brought our Po Chai Yuen pills.
Today the first stop is at Dapo Lake. It's quite scenic and the air was very fresh!

One of our tour uncle bought all the custard apples in the hotel for his friends. Custard apples are a local produce here.

 And we have reached Dapo Lake already!
 as you can see, ahren is especially happy to be out and about in Taiwan!

happy feet

 2nd stop of the day...sugar cane factory left by the Japanese. Taiwan was under the Japanese ruling for 51 years and they used sugar canes to fuel their fighter planes back in those days.

Tour guide tells me that owl is the aboriginal's messenger! word has it that when someone in the village is pregnant, the owl will hoot to announce the good news to everyone. Hence the owl is considered as a lucky charm as it brings good news.

Here in Hualien, marble is plentiful too!!! and they use marble for all their sculptures, statues and even the footpath along the roads are paved in marble!!!
 feet + marble pavement

 purple rice!!!

 prawn wrapped in squid
Jing Xiu Yuan - a shrine made by the Japanese when the japanese were staying in Hualien. Hualien was recognised as the perfect place for settlement. So the Japanese moved over and resided here. During the occupation, they built the shrine. And now it's kept as a monumental tourist spot in Hualien.
tickets to Japanese Shrine

marble pavement

Last stop of the day - Chi Shing Lake, where the stones here are sooo special. The stones here have lines, streak patterns on them that make them very unusual.
I didn't know that Seven Star Lake was actually a beach!! and it faces the Pacific ocean. opposite is America already.

 supper in the hotel room.
The Asahi Ume beer was on offer and so I bought one to try and OMG it was so good!!!

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