Thursday, February 12, 2015

Reno@CCK2 Maisonette - tv console updates

Hi there!
this week has been really busy and tight for me so do pardon me for the slow updates on our home renos. It's only now that I finally pulled myself out of bed to blog about the renos after putting Jules and James to sleep. The past weeks, hubs and I have been preparing James' 1st birthday party gears till into the wee hours of the morning... right, enough said, the DIY party gears I shall blog about them probably end week.

for now, let's get back to our home reno at CCK2 Maisonette!

well I believe sharing is giving!! My contractor always tells me that I put too much of my designs on my blog such that everyone, including other designers out there, are stealing my ideas. But I believe good designs should be shared with everyone and everyone is entitled to a pretty and functional home. 
So if anyone out there has better and nicer designs, please do share with me too and spread the love around!!

 our electrician hard at work

Here's a pretty woody wall hung tv console which we are doing over here. The centre piece is done up with thin timber strips painted in brown to match the laminate. The left and right are actually drawers to house more bulky items instead of players.
 For the top of the tv console, we are actually a cable management.
 here's a sneak peak at the cable management area where it houses all the electrical power points.
 above: bottom of cable management looks like this
And when everything is opened up, you see the 2 deep drawers for storage and a flip down panel for players. The "wall" where the tv is going to be hung has an opening for the electrical wirings to connect back to the bottom of the tv console and feed back to the players. If I'm not wrong, there's going to be a power track mounted on the wall partition too.

The home owners have gotten a good deal package on the power tracks and have arranged with our electrician and carpenter on where to put those power tracks. So I'm guessing it's going be here and probably at the kitchen and study areas.

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