Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Reno@Sunshine Court - Light holders in progress

It's midweek and the reno progress is coming along smoothly. The light holders are in progress. The aircon trunking has been laid for the living and bedrooms.
 Quick overview of the light holder in the living.
A/C trunking running in the bedrooms as there's no box up provision for trunking. So instead of the usual trunking running along the common corridor which will require box up, we are running it in the bedrooms.

Are there any new homes that can survive without A/C installation nowadays? 

The temperatures in Singapore are getting hotter and hotter every year. Some days when I get home, it can feel the heat trapped in the flat. OMG i really want to turn on the A/C immediately. That being said, if anyone can invent how to magically make the A/C trunking connect "wireless" and drain off like evaporation. That would be the noble prize winner.

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