Saturday, July 11, 2015

Reno@Clementi - New Beginnings

we are shifting away from the normal 2 banks of kitchen counter and adopting the new open concept kitchen. Not exactly a new concept since open kitchen concepts have been established since the 1980s. Cooking was seen as a creative and social act instead of work. Many embraced the open kitchen concept because it allows parents to supervise their children while cooking.

i see the beauty in it as it makes the whole flat looks more spacious.

That being said, there are some things which home owners should consider when embarking an open kitchen

- do you do heavy cooking or light cooking?
- will you be affected if the cooking smells get to the living areas?
- will you be having air conditioning in the living and will you accept if the air conditioning "leaks" into the kitchen area?

Definitely the smell and grease is going to go onto the kitchen walls and floors, open kitchen allows the smell to travel even further. 

something to think about.

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