Monday, October 05, 2015

Reno@Fernvale - Ventilation Blocks

How did your weekend went?  My boys and I had a hazy afternoon at the playground on saturday, so I didn't let them play too long and brought them home to shower. Baby james fell while walking down a ramp and scratched his hand and knee. But i think it's ok to fall once in awhile for boys. Makes them tougher!

Sunday was really great for me and hubs because we dropped the boys at my in-laws and we had brunch!! just the two of us. I had a really sumptious egg benedict, its runny yolk was oozing out from the muffin and the hollandaise sauce was just perfect! And I had a cuppa latte to wash all of it down.
OMG. can't wait for another weekend where I don't have to work or watch the kids....

rite. side track.

Reno@Fernvale this afternoon. So many men at site! The ventilation blocks at the main entrance is up already and the toilet wall tiles were up too. hubs was there to set out the bathroom floor tiles as well as the entrance floor tiles too which i will post in a separate entry later.

Men at Work

screeding bed

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