Tuesday, November 10, 2015


feature bookshelf

dining table is an online purchase by the missus, together with the dining chairs and bench.
Lights are also purchased online.
caramel bamboo Haiku fan
dual coffee tables purchased online

pretty vintage door knobs for shoe cabinet

Black frame white doors - still a favourite combi amongst many

wooden ledge frame mirror, marble countertop and sewing machine legs for the basin

customised wardrobe door handles with blue accent colour

customised dresser with accessory drawer in aquamarine blue accent wall
lights from IKEA purchased by home owners
pretty & functional dresser in the missus' favourite blue colour

walk in wardrobe

bedroom 3, waiting for princess arrival!

The kitchen backsplash is covered in blue mosaic and cement screed to the ceiling. All counters are finished with a wood looking top. There's so much counter space and drawers that the missus slept until 2am to finish laying all the drawers inside with protective mats. Currently she says she doesn't know what to do with so much space and storage that we have created. hah!

stove and hood with open shelf above
kitchen rails from ikea

close look on the mosaic and wood counter top

bay window storage in the master room


  1. Anonymous11:51 am

    Hi! May I know if the black rim window panes shown in the first few photos are made mild steel or aluminium? Love the sleek look!

    Thank you!
