Sunday, November 08, 2015

Reno@Punggol II, SNA4 and Shelford - Final Photos

hello peeps.
can't wait for Deepavali holidays!!! Hope everyone is just as excited as I am. cos when there's a holiday, it means i have some time to do some serious blogging. And this weekend, we have completed 3 home photoshoots. woot woot!!

so i shall try to finish all 3 entries of their beautiful homes before I fly off this thursday for my seriously overdued holiday....all work and no play makes Jane a dull girl!

i know some of my readers are curious as to where me and hubs are going...hah! we are going to BORACAY!!!! sunny sandy white beaches with blue sky and blue clear waters...HERE I COME!!!!!

OMG i can't wait...i even bought new bikinis online. yes i can't find time to go to a bikini shop because seriously when i'm free, it's like 11pm. which cuckoo shop will open 24hours for me to buy my bikini???? hmm...please don't tell me it's MUSTAFA!!!  hahahah...

so...hmmm...i guess...just wait and hold on?


sneak peaks to

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