Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Why we are not on Qanvast, magazines, television or other forms of social media?

One reader has posted a really interesting question which got me into writing this entry on why we (butterpaperstudio) is not featured on Qanvast or magazines.
Well frankly speaking, we have been approached by Qanvast twice already to be featured. The first time when we first met up it was with an open mind of course but when it came to monthly subscription payments in order to post our work, I guess if u have been following my blog, u probably would have guessed that it's just me and my hubs running a 2 man business here. So to keep costs low and plus we have a steady and supportive group of readership, we politely declined to be featured.
Renotalk magazine wanted to feature us as well. But nothing in this world is for free right? So there is a sum to be either featured on their renotalk website or their magazine to which we again declined. However their editor was so keen to feature us that we got our first feature FOC and plus we were on the cover! We were very delighted and super surprised and really thankful to all those people we genuinely loved our work!!!
For magazines like Home & Decor, Dulux was actually the one that pulled the strings for us and requested for H&D to come down and do a feature on us.  As dulux is one of the main sponsors for H&D...So yes we were lucky again!
Last but not least, we are really quite blessed! We have many requests from the media as well, like Channel News Asia and other media related interviews to which we also have declined. Reason because it's just the two of us juggling our little venture and we really just want to focus our time on design and our home owners who has trusted their home renos to us.
To be honest, my day job consists of managing 3 projects. One in River Valley which has just gotten TOP while another is due TOP next week. The third one in Kranji will start construction next year. I'm seriously up to my neck at times while trying to find time to update my blog in Wee hours. I'm very fortunate to have hubs doing most of butterpaperstudio work really! And believe me he is a genius at designing! Not to blow my trumpet but hubs was on the deans list in NUS plus when we used to work together in our old office, hubs was the lead designer in many of our office projects until he left the firm to spend time on butterpaperstudio. My boss still gives hubs architectural work to do even when he has left!
So for Instagram and Facebook, it's really my same excuse for being lazy and no time for uploading photos. So please bear with me and do drop by my blog once in a while to check on us. :)
Meantime I have to go put my 2 sons to sleep now. And Happy Birthday to my eldest son as he turns 4 today!!!
nites everyone. ;)


  1. Velle, looked forward to meeting u soon. Have met up with ur husband to discuss about my new place and he is really fast thinking and creative! Love both your work!

    1. hello! sure, we will meet soon!!! :)

  2. Hihi I had emailed u but did not receive any response. Not sure if u missed my mail! How else can we contact u?

    1. Hi Peiji, sorry! will reply as soon as possible. got your email already. :)
