Saturday, July 23, 2016

Reno@Waterbay EC - Renderings

hello it's been awhile since we last updated on our project at Waterbay EC and it's about time to relook at the entire reno holistically, incorporating the same dark wood into the loose furnishes which we are proposing for the entire flat.

Besides carpentry, we are adding fixed glass windows at half height to the study room for visual connectivity between the study and living areas. ie living and kitchen.  This also makes the room feels abit more spacious and more daylight penetrating through the areas. Glass always has this light and bright effect as compared to a solid wall which might be imposing to a small flat.

That being said, solid walls are good to have too if you need storage areas! Cos that's where you need to bank all your cupboards...all along whatever wall space you have.

ritey ho.

my next post will be back to the mirror vanity again!

stay tuned.

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