Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Reno@Esparis Executive Condominium - FINAL PHOTOS

White and a tiffany blue chair
For those who have been following my blog for many years now, I just want to thank you for always supporting me silently and reading up on what the both of us have been doing for our renovation projects. So! if you have been reading closely, you would have known that I'm an avid fan of white on white. And other colours associated with the word monochrome.

Our project at Esparis uses lots of white but it's not as sterile like a clinic or hospital, but filled with pops of accent colour at corners of the rooms, making this home bright and cheerful. We didn't have much intervention for this project, everything was kept simple and functional. We redid the whole kitchen, smashed a big hole in the wall so that we could have a visual connection between the kitchen and dining/living areas. This also brought more daylight into the kitchen too.

Other things which we did was to redo some of the electrical stuff, painting the whole house, giving some walls a fresh new coat of colour. We also redid the 2 bathrooms with new floor and wall tiles, vanity and shower area. Now it definitely looks more personalised and not just some cookie cutter condo bathroom. I would say the bathrooms look crisp and bright like the morning sun! One of them looked pretty "zen" to me... maybe because the tiles reminded me of Japanese origami paper prints and the wood tiles made me think of Japanese onsens!

It's amazing at how this couple with 3 young kids can even manage to find time and energy to spruce their pad into such a lovely place! The youngest is barely a few months old!

So! I leave you with this quote:
A L W A Y S   F I N D 
T I M E   F O R 
T H E   T H I N G S
T H A T   M A K E 
Y O U   F E E L
H A P P Y   T O   B E 
A L I V E .


unique electric text clock

White subway tiles with white grout

almost white brick wall and white clock

uber cute unicorn!

monochrome wall tiles with wood tile flooring

sunshine yellow lamp against wallpaper background

pattern floor tile in master bathroom

feature wall tile in shower area

Aqua accent wall in baby room

Royal Blue accent wall in living

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