Friday, July 21, 2017

Reno@721B Maisonette - some progress updates

Wet works are almost done now. The aircon trunking has been completed too together with the electrical works. This week, we managed to choose some laminates with the home owners...

 shower wall done and that's the space (to the left) for the bathtub!
 half wall hack on both sides of the rooms on the upper storey. 
Bringing more daylight into the interiors. Definitely brightening up the whole staircase area now.

Most of the times, hubs can spend the whole entire afternoon just going through how the electrical wires should be run, which ones to hide behind which cupboards, which lights to go to which switch etc. How high this powerpoint should much should it start from the window side etc.

the list goes on and on and the time just ticks away.

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