Thursday, March 11, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #28 Off with the Walls!

Let's check out upstairs first!

The wall between Matthew's and the master room has been knocked down! And so spacious the place is now!!! More stilts were put on top of rubble to support the roof. Going to install new insulation and false ceiling for better comfort in singapore's hot weather. These days, it's getting so hot! The workers have left some laminates on the floor to protect the extg parquet.

More stilts here. Look at them balancing on rubble! Like ballet dancing! Tip-toe.tip-toe and reach for the stars. So the stilts will provide some support to the roof here again before new walls are being erected. William (our contractor) advises us on a lintel here to support the roof. I think we need one too, look at the way the roof is sagging! Just behind us is our new neighbour who is renovating as well!!! So it's a noisy neighbourhood here!

Last but not least, our IC within our kitchen area. smelly smelly!


  1. Anonymous3:13 am

    Wow. This looks like a huge undertaking! Good luck!

  2. haha.thanks! Just the hacking approvals from HDB took us 3 months! But we are really happy that everything is approved so the reno works can continue.
