Friday, March 12, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #29 Updates

Pile of rubble already filled to the brim at our carpark area as we approached our flat. Next we saw the boundary wall has been removed. Making way for our new one!!! We are thinking of original brickwall for the textured feel. Yep, we are going to paint it white. Originally we were thinking of picket fence, after giving it much thought, we decided to have a more solid, sturdy wall, besides picket fence is quite expensive. So on a tight budget here, brickwall is AFFORDABLE.

wj trying to salvage our letterbox, uncle will's workers have left it on top of some other stuff! worried that we might not get our snail mails, wj went to put it along the railings between our unit and our neighbour. Next, is the picture on the right, the 'funny' column which Mr Wrong said we can't removed but our PE said that it was not a structural member. Sigh. Yes yes, it will be there, our floor plans have to 'revolve' around that.

holes in the wall??!!! well that's our new toilet location. wj says that "it's more friction/grip for the wall tiles" hmm...okay. poor birdie, wings broken and laid on top of our rubble.

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