Saturday, March 13, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #31

In 2 days time, Uncle Will had his workers digging up a trench for our new toilet which connects back to the extg IC. The first one revealed an extg drainline so he had to abandon it and dig another one further out.

Next the old toilet walls are removed so that we can do a smaller one. The previous owner had only one toilet on the 1st storey, thus it was a big toilet with shower cubicle, long vanity counter and WC. However, since our toilet on the 2nd storey has been approved, we are going to make the toilet downstairs smaller with a small basin, WC and a smaller shower area. With this smaller toilet, the wall can be flushed with the extg column which Mr Wrong wants us to keep. Previously the column was 'jutting' out in the dining area.

More holes have been 'punctured' in our yard area for rainwater drainage. We are having a row of planter against our wall to soften the boundary wall.

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