Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #42 More Updates

lately, both of us have been really busy with work, so we didnt' have time to go down to our flat to take a look. Finally when we did went down during a lunch time hour and realised that our contractor has been doing so much!
The boundary wall between us and the neighbour has been erected, and the column has now been 'covered' with a wall now + a hole for my window. Will use this place for my browsing books cum peering out of window session. Can't wait to put my floor lamp plus get a daybed for this corner!!! I think it will be a really cozy place!!!

Plastered wall here for the toilet! So fast! One moment i saw the worker putting up the tile, the next moment, it's all fully plastered! However there were some issues with the extg electric wirings that we can't move and needs some concealment. We're going to put a big mirror on this wall here, to reflect and make the whole dining area bigger. Illusion of space!

last week saw the trench of the sewer pipe, this week, a new wall has been erected for the guest room. And the wall is being plastered as well!!!

okay, door frames have been put in as well. But it was an architrave one!!! Gosh, guess we were really too tied up, that we didn't specify what we had in mind. So told uncle Will to change for us, we really do not want too intricate door frames. Simple ones will be fine. Thank god he was nice, new frames were delivered the next day, without architrave.
plumber was in our flat too without us supervising. So when we got there, all the plumbing works are in place. Although, hmm, i haven't the faintest clue whether are they in the correct position or not. Uncle Will says when the sanitary fixtures come in , the piping works still have been slightly shifted or lengthened. I hope that is true man, cos another colleague of mine have been telling me the horror stories of toilets! that the contractor will always get it wrong!!!
And the staircase foundation is laid and waiting for the railings to be in! chop chop curry pok!

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