Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #45 Site Measurements

On-site Measurements
The thing with construction is that it's never as accurate as what you have drawn in digital format. So once the walls are up, it's really a good practice to go down on site to check your final 'clear' width and height or depth or whatever, this is to really make sure that your furniture will be able to fit. Imagine if your contractor does it just 100mm smaller than required, and consequences are you can't put your bed or study table, unless u having it custom made.

That will be really a headache when all works are done. So before plastering, laying of tiles, it's good to measure your rooms.
YAY! and the workers have done a good job! Cos it' the correct measurement. Rem to give 25mm extra for the plastering on top of what you have measured. That will be the true clear width.

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