Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #253 Bedframe

here's another shot of our bed frame. Though it's nothing much but we still love it. And plus it's made from raw teak without any finish gives it an au naturel look!

Teak is also a very hardy wood thus you needn't fear about termite problems.
Also it will last for a really long time if you take care of it.

Finally it's the simplicity of the design that we fell in love with it and bought it immediately. Now it's just moving our mattress over and to dress our new bed frame with sheets, pillows and fluffy quilts to make the whole bedroom complete.


  1. Anonymous2:19 pm

    That's a simple and lovely bed frame. May I know where it is from?

    admirer of your blog :)

  2. Hi there! It's from Scanteak, they have a big showroom down at Bukit Merah industrial area. Take a look there if you like woody stuff!
